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Five Starter perfumes for the wanna-be "Le-nez"

Ever been in a Macy's and looked in confusion at the women who crazed over scents like bees with flowers? That was me at first, wondering what was the excitement around expensive perfumes was about when Victoria Secret's "Love Spell" was all I thought I needed. Yet, there comes a time in a girl's life where she doesn't want to smell like a sugar plum fairy every day. She gets tired of having to reapply it after her lunch hour, and she wants to dabble in smelling like "growth."

When she reaches that point, she can find herself stuck in trying to find a scent that doesn't smell like her grandmother or a stack of newspapers while still highlighting who she is as a person. If you are currently her, I'm here to tell you that your endless youtube scroll of recommendations is over. When I came to the realization that I didn't want to just have a vanity full of Bath and Body Works products, the search was hard. Even though it took a long time to find something up my alley of smells, I was introduced to some for-sure keepers that stand tall in my perfume collection today.

"Princess" by Vera Wang

One of the first "official" perfumes I came across was Vera Wang's "Princess." For starters, it was arguably cheap for people like me who can't spend their salaries on as many perfume bottles that they want. I found it on the shelf of a TJ Maxx after hearing it was a classic from raving reviews on youtube. So, I decided to give the twenty-five dollar steal a try. The scent was just right for someone who wanted to stick their toe in the "scent sanctuary" for a moment. It's a light floral smell and strikes me as something you could wear on a picnic date, or on a cool spring afternoon. Three sprays will definitely do the trick, and have you smelling like the dainty, elegant princess you want to be. It's the perfect scent for royalty, hence it's purplish tone.

"Black Opium" by Yves Saint Laurent

Black Opium is the perfect gift to put on your wish-list because you can't buy it without having the "did I really just spend that much," guilt dampening it's sensual smell. With notes of vanilla, white flowers, and coffee--I'd say it's best to keep this baby saved up to wake up the night-life. It's heavy, but not in an overpowering way--in my opinion it's a scent that does all your flirting for you. It's memorable and for sure addicting, hence the bold "opium" name on the bottle. This is for when you want to decide to grow up overnight, but in the most convenient way possible. Of course it was a gift to me, and I only wear her out for date-nights, dinner parties, and when I'm trying to make a striking first impression.

"Miss Dior" by christian Dior

A scent for the "lady," Miss Dior is perfect for the girl that loves to prance around in tweed suits, drink tea like her mother, and watch Clueless on the weekend. Resembling a strong woman with class, it's elegant and bold with rose and citrus notes lingering in the air with each spray. Like Dior purses, it's a timeless statement maker for those who describe themselves as "all things chic." To me, it can be worn as an everyday scent, as it isn't heavy with seduction and sensuality. Of course, since it is Dior--it's a pretty penny (emphasis on pretty). Yet, I would start out with a simple rollerball to ease your way into deciding whether or not to drop the cash on it.

"Candy" by Prada

Also a scent costing more than we think perfume should, Prada's "Candy" is for the girl who wants Victoria Secret's "Pure Seduction" in an expensive perfume bottle. While not smelling the same, they do carry the same qualities of being sweet and warm. "Candy" is for the unconventional bold woman who's too sweet for her own good and the eighteen year old looking to bring her excitement about a new chapter in adulthood to life.

While it is not my absolute favorite perfume because of how sweet it can be, I do wear it when I see fit. Whenever I'm on a date with someone I'm comfortable with, a ceremony during the day, or dressing up for a sunny Friday on campus-- all events needed to break out her much-needed presence.

"Sweet like Candy" by Ariana Grande

As you can tell, I saved my last two recommendations for the girls who'd rather choose fruity and sweet over floral any day. So, mainly for my college and high-school girls that don't want to let their bubbly spirit die because they sprayed on something other than what they're used to. With it's vanilla, pear, blackberry, and marshmallow notes--it's good for those who would rather buy Birthday Cake candles over Moroccan Jasmine.

I bought this scent at a nearby Ulta for no more than thirty dollars. It's an affordable steal for my young girls looking for something as fresh, fruity, and sweet as they are.

Searching for the perfect scent can be like shopping for the perfect pair of shoes, time-consuming, disappointing, and annoying. Yet, when you find exactly what you're looking for, you'll realize it was well worth the struggle.

- Ashley Lauren

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